
Sleeping Arrangements


Pool & spa facilities

Outdoor Jacuzzi . Private Steam sauna

Kitchen & dining

Charcoal grill BBQ, Blender, Coffee machine, Cooking utensils, Dishwasher, Kitchen stove, Oven, Refrigerator, Toaster, Vacuum cleaner . Water purifier

Heating & cooling

Air conditioning, Fireplace, Floor heating . Heating available

Home Safety

Buzzer, Carbon Monoxide Detector, Fire Extinguisher, First aid kit, Safe, Safety Card, Security system . Smoke Detector

Parking & facilities

Parking available, Parking included . Private Garden

Location features



TV (Antenna) . TV (Cable)


Accessible 24/7, Pets not allowed . Smoking not allowed

Bathroom & laundry

Bathroom & Laundry, Bed linen, Hair dryer, Clothes dryer, Essentials, Iron & Board, Shower, Towel-set, Bathtub . Washing machine

Internet & office

Wireless Broadband Internet

House Rules

Policy and notes

Payment Schedule

50% due at time of booking.

Remaining balance due 14 days before arrival.

Security deposit

No security deposit is due.

Cancellation Policy

All paid prepayments are non-refundable.